Market Research Event
20 June 2020

Printemps des Études 2020: Quantitative market research using smart devices

2020 will remain an unforgettable year for an infinite number of reasons, but one in particular will remain tattooed in my brain: I have never participated in so many webinars (as a speaker) in my whole life. All the events and international market research conferences have had to adapt.

The Printemps des Études 2020 this year will be digital and changes its name: it will be called Spring Box Event and will take place from June 23rd to 25th and the registration is free. To access the webinar program you need to register and I suggest you to do so because we will discuss crucial topics.

Recently, I have noticed that the level of speech quality at the events has grown a lot, probably for two reasons: the huge amount of online training offer (post-covid), the inspiration that Covid has elicited in these months. Likely, when there is a Tsunami, I need to dive in the ocean and surf the waves. Without any hesitation.

Our 2 speeches at the Printemps des Études

One of the two speeches that we are presenting at Printemps this year is called Quarantine Voices. The other speech is about a project that we have been developing since about a year and it keeps on growing and improving: VAI, Voice Assisted Interview, i. e. using Alexa’s voice to interview the respondents.

Quarantine Voices: the revelation of webcam interviews and TikTok social sampling

Special guests John Porter and Marc Enyaud from BVA Group.
23/06/2020 (12h00 – 12h45)

VAI (Voice Assisted Interview): Voice assistants as the new interviewers for market research

Special guests
24/06/2020 (16h00 – 16h45)

In this video we explain in just 2 minutes the motivations and objectives of our webinars.

New connections for smarter research

You may have noticed in our very quick videos that there are two strong themes in common between the webinars. If you have not noticed them, I will help you:

  • We interview users who use smart devices: smartphones, smart speakers and webcams;
  • We intercept respondents through targeted social ads (Facebook and TikTok).

We need to take note that domotics, AI and IoT are now technologies within everyone’s reach. A smartpeaker costs as much as a clock radio: i.e. everybody owns it or might own it. Those that we call smart houses in architecture are a reality more than present and concrete.

And it is in this “smart ecosystem” that we Research workers need to enter now, politely, on tiptoes (with social sampling) to allow respondents to spontaneously participate in our interviews. It is a new way of doing market research, a new paradigm that needs new parameters.

In the two webinars at the Printemps des Études we will tackle new themes, compared to the speeches we have held in the recent weeks. We have identified the characteristics to have a winning questionnaire  in a smart context, a crucial point for the success of the study.

 See you online?
Great, don’t forget to register here

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