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10 October 2024

FFIND Olympic Games 2024: Celebrating inclusivity and company culture

In today’s business world, the most valuable asset isn’t the product or service you offer but the people who help create it. At the foundation of every successful organization lies a solid culture that inspires, connects, and helps every individual grow. In 2024, at FFIND, we chose to strengthen this culture through a unique experience: the FFIND Olympic Games, an event that redefined our approach to team building and inclusivity.

people playing beach volleyInclusivity at the Heart of Our Corporate Olympics

The initiative was born from an idea by our Global Marketing Director, Riccardo Tumminello, inspired by the Paris 2024 Olympics—a symbol of unity and sportsmanship—to create a moment that could bring people together around positive, shared values. 

In a company as diverse and international as ours, with teams spread across Frankfurt, London, and Palermo, it was essential to create an event that bridged geographical distances, allowing every colleague to participate while catering to everyone’s preferences, including those less inclined towards sports. Thus, the FFIND Olympic Games went beyond traditional sports and included a variety of activities to let every talent shine. From online quizzes to checkers, and talent shows, each FFINDER had the chance to contribute to the success of their team, whether they were part of Team Grey or Team Yellow. 

As Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games, once said: “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part.” This philosophy was the driving force behind our corporate Olympics, where the real success wasn’t defined by victories but by participation and unity. 

people wearing folk clothes after showCompany Values in Action

One of the most exciting aspects was witnessing our company values come to life. During each challenge, our company manifesto—We embrace freedom of expression—and our diversity statement were fully lived out. It was no longer about words, but about concrete actions, where courage, inclusivity, responsibility, and mutual care made a real difference. 

Our corporate vision—Empowering individuals to be heard, fostering inclusivity, and driving progress—materialized in every competition, proving that when each individual feels valued and has an important role, the company can only grow. Our core values—courage, inclusivity, reliability, care—were the beating heart of every activity, showing that unity and collaboration are the keys to our success. 

People playing beach volleyInternal Marketing: The Key to a Thriving Company Culture

The success of this event highlights a frequently overlooked aspect: the power of internal marketing. As Riccardo emphasized, it’s not enough to talk about company culture; you have to live it every day. When an organization’s internal values are authentic and experienced, they become an essential part of its success strategy. 

Riccardo also added: “When we invest in our people and create real opportunities for engagement, we lay the foundation for making our team the brand’s main ambassadors. This isn’t just about fun; it’s about cultivating a work environment where everyone feels valued and connected.” 

Creating events like the FFIND Olympic Games isn’t just about having fun; it’s about fostering a workplace that cares for its people, where everyone feels appreciated and involved. When a company invests in its employees, it’s investing in its future. 

Companies that truly want to thrive must put people at the center, offering them meaningful opportunities for participation. And this is just the beginning. At FFIND, we are already looking for new ways to engage and value our team because, in the end, success starts from within. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Let’s talk: Can inclusivity and team spirit truly make a difference in creating a successful company culture? 

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