Interview Instantly And Anywhere With CAWI Market Research (Online)
Our core business is CATI, but in recent years we have developed a responsive and professional CAWI department.

How online surveys work
In this case, lacking the intervention of the telephone interviewer (CATI) it will be the respondent himself to fill in the questionnaire. The data collection then takes place all within our own software and the data all flows into a single location to then be processed, cleaned and delivered to the client in the desired format.
In 2016 we inaugurated a digital department with the aim of creating a responsive CAWI – considering that respondents now answer surveys directly through their smartphones – however, we went further: we started using social media to find respondents in target and interview them.

The phases of CAWI research
1. Project and sample management
The PM acknowledges the emails provided by the client or schedules the Social Sampling, meanwhile he verifies the quality and translations of the questionnaire.
2. Beginning of the wave
We submit the survey to respondents, following up on those who dropped out or never started.
3. Quality control
During data collection, PMs and data managers identify any critical issues with the questionnaire and monitor quota achievement.
4. Data management
From the beginning of the survey to the completion of the data collection, data managers are responsible for verifying quality also at the data level, formatting the data in the format desired by the client, and finalizing everything for final delivery.
The advantages of online interviews
- All of us now use the internet and have an email address
- Excellent speed/price ratio
- Extremely effective for fast surveys
- Allows you to integrate visual, video and audio elements to the survey.
Download Whitepaper
In this white paper you will find 3 case studies that will allow you to further explore this methodology.